UCCS First-Year Regional Conference 

FYE Conference

Join us as we kick-off our inagural UCCS regional first-year conference, where academic and student affair professionals will engage in forums to share ideas, resources, and engaging pedagogy to enhance their instruction of first-year students. 
Conference Theme:  
Creating A Meaningful First Year Experience
Conference Dates:
August 5th, 2025 - Check in and Social
August 6th - 7th, 2025 - Conference

Call for Proposals Coming Soon!
No Conference Fees!
Featured Keynote Speaker: 

Matthew L. Sanders

Matt Sanders is a Professor of Communication Studies at Utah State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Matt conducts research in the areas of nonprofit organizations, organizational communication, and student learning. He is the author of Becoming a Learner: Realizing the Opportunity of Education, which is used in first-year experience courses at many colleges and universities. He is also the co-author (with John McClellan) of Studying Communication: An Invitation to Purposeful Learning. Awards recognizing Matt’s work with students include the Distinguished Teacher Award from the Western States Communication Association and being named Teacher of the Year for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Utah State University.


First Year Experience Flyer

Explore the First Year Experience flyer for more information